In-Home and Community Supports
In-Home and Community Support services is a direct service provided in home or community settings to assist Individuals in acquiring, maintaining, and improving the skills necessary to live in the community, to live more independently, and to participate meaningfully in community life. As In-Home and Community Supports services is provided in community settings, the settings must be inclusive rather than segregated. This service is built on the principle that every Individual has the capacity to engage in lifelong learning. Services consist of assistance, support, and guidance (physical assistance, instruction, prompting, modeling, and reinforcement) in the general areas of self-care, health maintenance, decision making, home management, managing personal resources, communication, mobility and transportation, relationship development and socialization, personal adjustment, participating in community functions and activities and use of community resources. The amount of assistance is determined by the need for physical, psychological, and emotional assistance established through the assessment and person-centered planning processes. The type and amount of assistance are delivered to enhance the autonomy of the participant, in line with his/her personal preferences and desired outcomes. This information is taken from the service definition.