Family Living/Lifesharing Services
This service occurs in private homes licensed under 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6500 and private homes that are unlicensed as well as other inclusive community settings. A host person or family opens their home to support an Individual diagnosed with an Intellectual disability. The host person/family is trained on the regulatory requirements needed to support an Individual and the expectations of integrating the Individual into the Individual/Family’s life including their rhythm and routines, celebrations, vacations with the extended family and community in accordance with the ISP. Individuals will acquire, maintain, or improve skills necessary to live in the community, to live more independently, and to participate meaningfully in community life. Services consist of assistance, support, and guidance in the general areas of everyday living. It is anticipated that all Individuals have the opportunity to experience lifelong learning. If you are interested in hearing more about providing Family Living/Lifesharing services, please contact us.